Humane Bird Control: Protecting Nature and Property

There is no continent in our world where birds do not exist. From dense city skyscrapers to arid, empty deserts, birds are everywhere, finding ways to survive in even the harshest climate. Birds are one of the most versatile creatures on this earth. They are effective pest control predators, avid pollinators, and even provide natural waste disposal as scavengers. These hardy creatures deserve our respect, but sometimes their resilience ends in a collision course with human environments. For the sake of bird safety, and property damage costs, it sometimes becomes necessary to deter or remove these feathered friends from their chosen roost. Let Woodlands Wildlife Elimination help with a few suggestions on how to properly manage your troublesome bird population.

Protecting Nature

Before you decide to undertake any of the following suggestions for yourself, remember that some bird species are protected by local, state, or federal law. These protections may extend to their chosen territory, their nesting site, their access to safe foods, and their migration patterns. While most of us simply don’t want pigeons congregating in our driveway, it is vital to check with local law enforcement and conservation to ensure that you are protecting nature’s diversity. In many cases, they will offer advice or suggest the services of professionals who are qualified to assist you further.

Property Damage

Unfortunately, our proximity to these animals often results in expensive property damage that can be difficult to resolve. Their nesting habits can block drainage systems, causing leaks and corrosive damage. A bird’s nest built near machinery or electrical systems is likely to result in electrical issues or even fire damage. Blocked ventilation systems can reduce airflow, causing lethal carbon monoxide accumulation. Bird droppings are highly acidic, damaging roofing materials, paint, and plastic products due to their corrosive nature. Airports often employ bird-chasing dogs to clear runways and prevent damage due to birds from being sucked into the engine.

Many businesses take the initiative to add preventative measures to their property to deter birds from gathering in the area. Likewise, homeowners can take cost-effective measures to protect their property from experiencing a more destructive negative impact.

Fear Tactics

One of the easiest and quickest methods to deter birds from your home is to create an environment they would perceive as hostile. Plastic decoy owls are not an uncommon method, along with loud wind chimes and shiny, reflective objects are a solid visual deterrent that yields immediately effective results. Birds will avoid predators, loud noises, and even things like CDs or reflective tape. However, these methods do not yield long-term results, as the birds will eventually acclimate to their presence once they realize that the new additions are not capable of causing them harm.

Bird Netting

Cherry tree covered with bird protection net in late spring.

Often used to protect crops or fisheries, netting is an effective long-term bird control solution for the concerned homeowner. Bird netting can be made from nylon, polyethylene, or stainless steel, proving a match for most troublesome bird species. It prevents them from roosting and nesting and denies them access to resources (garden/trash) that make your home an appealing habitat. Professional installation of the netting will result in better protection, but if you choose to take this task on for yourself, remember to place netting around any entry or exit areas to their roost. Block off their access to other potential nesting areas such as the eaves and gutters. Check your netting regularly for rips or holes that could allow the birds access.

Bird Spikes

A harmless yet effective method to deter birds from landing around your home is bird spikes, these plastic rods block off spaces where birds would typically perch, limiting their ability to remain in the area. By installing these spikes on your beams, ledges, the edge of your roof, or any spots that stick out from the building such as porch lights or flower boxes, you can protect your home from gathering flocks through sheer annoyance that they can’t have a seat!


It may seem counterintuitive, but one of the best and most environmentally friendly methods for controlling the local bird population is another bird. A trained predator such as a falcon or owl can be utilized by professionals to encourage more bothersome species to seek out less lethal territories. These abatement services can only be obtained from licensed professionals who have spent countless hours training raptors to respond to their instructions. It is nonetheless an effective bird control solution.