Professional, Humane Bird Control for Solar Systems

Effective Bird Control for Solar Systems

At Woodlands Wildlife Texas, we understand the importance of keeping your solar panels free of birds. As birds can cause damage to the solar panels, and even the roof itself, we offer a comprehensive bird control service for solar panels. Our team of experienced technicians can inspect your solar panels, and identify any areas that may be vulnerable to bird damage. We will then provide a tailored solution to deter the birds from your solar panels, allowing you to get the most out of your solar energy system. We use a combination of bird netting and bird spikes to prevent birds from accessing your solar panels. This ensures that your solar panels remain safe from bird damage, and continue to generate clean energy for your home or business.

If you’re in Houston and looking for a reliable bird control service for your solar panels, look no further than Woodlands Wildlife Texas. Contact us today to learn more about our bird control services and get a free quote.

What attracts birds to solar systems and panels?

Solar systems can also provide a sense of safety, as predators generally avoid brightly lit areas. The reflective surfaces of solar panels can also attract birds, as they can be used as a navigation aid.

Birds are generally attracted to solar panels due to the reflection of light and the warmth they provide. The reflection of light can help them identify potential food sources, and the warmth can be comforting on cold days. Additionally, many birds like to perch on solar panels and other high surfaces, so they may be attracted to the height and stability of the panels.
What problems do birds cause for solar systems and panels?

Birds can cause a number of problems for solar systems. They can perch on the solar panels and block the sun from hitting the cells, causing them to produce less electricity. They can also build nests, leaving debris and droppings behind that can damage the solar panels and affect their efficiency. Birds can also disrupt the wiring and cause short circuits, leading to potential safety hazards. Finally, birds can attract other pests, such as rodents and insects, which can also damage solar systems. You can learn more about the damage birds cause here.

How to do Bird Control for solar systems?

There are a few key steps to effective bird control for solar systems in Houston. First, it is important to understand the species of birds that are commonly found in the area. Common Houston birds include raptors, crows, jays, mockingbirds, doves, and woodpeckers. Knowing which species are present in the area can help in selecting a bird control strategy.

Next, it is important to understand the different methods and materials available for bird control. In Houston, bird netting, spikes, and visual deterrents are the most common bird control strategies. Bird netting is the most effective and long–term solution for bird control. It is important to install the netting in a way that is aesthetically pleasing and that does not interfere with the solar system. Spikes and other visual deterrents are also effective at deterring birds from perching on or near the solar system.

Finally, it is important to monitor the effectiveness of the bird control measures and to adjust the strategy as needed. Regularly inspecting the solar system and the surrounding environment can help to identify potential bird problems and to determine if the bird control methods are working as intended.

Taking Action

Why hire WWE Wildlife Removal?

Here at WWE, we are proud to provide excellent bird control services for our clients. Our experts have years of experience in dealing with bird removal in all kinds of situations. In addition to our animal removal services, we also offer animal exclusionanimal damage repairattic restorationsanitation, and odor removal services. If you have a bird problem and live in Houston or the surrounding areas, be sure to give us a call today!

Birds can cause a number of problems for solar systems. They can perch on the solar panels and block the sun from hitting the cells, causing them to produce less electricity. They can also build nests, leaving debris and droppings behind that can damage the solar panels and affect their efficiency. Birds can also disrupt the wiring and cause short circuits, leading to potential safety hazards. Finally, birds can attract other pests, such as rodents and insects, which can also damage solar systems.